Monday, January 9, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Starting off the New Year!

Happy New Year 2012 to everyone!

I'm thrilled to be entering my first show this month at the Ocean County Artists Guild!  The show/opening is Sunday, Jan 8., from 1pm to 4 pm.  I will be showing Red Rose 1.

I've been reading and learning quite a bit lately, and hope to benefit from what I've learned.

I've also been reminded of how shy and awkward I can be sometimes when conversing with people I'm unfamiliar with.  This opening could be funny (in a fun way, I hope).

As I was bringing my acrylic painting in to enter it into the show, I saw some others bring in some very nice pieces.  Just from the watercolor paintings I saw, I might want to bring a bit of spending money myself!  I'd love to see you all there!